Mike Baldassarre

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A Documentary that Improves Our Relationships with Our Kids - See it Here

Last night I called all of our parents and caregivers to let all know that we were hosting an important video documentary in the auditorium at UHS.  The website for this video provides only a 2 minute trailer of the movie. I thought that the only opportunity for our parents and caregivers to view the video was through a private screening.  

Well…I was wrong. 

Through the magic of YouTube, this entire film can be viewed by clicking the link below.  It is only an hour, and I hope all of Uxbridge’s parents can carve out some time for this.  Here is why…

Here is the Film: It is Suitable for All Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers and Children OVER the Age of 13

In the current digital age, it's not uncommon to find many parenting guides, self-help books, and expert advice at our fingertips. But what if there's something more impactful, a medium that could speak volumes in minutes? We're discussing the poignant video "Our Turn to Talk." This film serves as a compelling resource for parents, guardians, and caregivers, providing substantial insight into the world of children and the importance of truly listening to them.

"Our Turn to Talk" is a short film that unfolds a narrative from a child's perspective. It emphasizes the need for adults to understand and value children’s thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This film is not just about the spoken word; it's about the sentiments and perspectives that often go unheard in the clamor of adulthood.

Important Points Made in this Film

Understanding the Power of Active Listening:

One of the central themes of "Our Turn to Talk" is the power of active listening. Children often feel unheard because we, as adults, tend to underestimate their capacity to comprehend or offer meaningful input. This film beautifully illustrates the importance of active listening - showing genuine interest, asking follow-up questions, and providing thoughtful responses.

The Value of Open Communication:

Communication isn't just about talking; it's a two-way street that requires receptiveness. The film encourages us to foster an environment where children feel safe to express their thoughts, fears, hopes, and dreams. By doing so, we can help them build confidence, trust, and a sense of value.  I have taken to the use of social media to communicate with my son – taking every opportunity I can to let him know how much I love him and how special our time is together.

Recognizing and Validating Emotions:

Our Turn to Talk” sensitively highlights the importance of recognizing and validating children's emotions. It reminds us that children's feelings are as valid and real as ours. Acknowledging their emotions teaches children that it's okay to feel and express themselves authentically.  Have you ever found yourself in a situation with your child in which you are asking, “Why didn’t you tell me?”  That is what this is about – the relationship in which emotions are viewed as normal manifestations of life – in which it is acceptable to talk about worries, fears, anger, frustration, and more.

A child’s behavior is a way of communicating feelings and needs - Sometimes it is really hard to know what these are

Understanding Child Development:

Children are continually growing and learning about the world around them. They form their self-concept based on how they're treated and how their thoughts and feelings are received. "Our Turn to Talk" underscores this significance, emphasizing how vital it is to respect and value their input during this critical developmental stage.

Seeing the World Through Their Eyes:

Finally, this film urges us to see the world through a child's eyes. It's a chance to recall our childhood, understand their experiences, and appreciate their unique perspective. This understanding fosters empathy, patience, and more meaningful connections.  I often refer to this as the child’s “worldview,” – which is how they see the world and people around them. 

In a nutshell, "Our Turn to Talk" is an insightful film that highlights the essential role of communication in a child's life. It reminds parents, guardians, and caregivers to approach conversations with children with openness, respect, and empathy. By doing so, we can help children feel heard, validated, and understood, creating an environment conducive to their holistic growth.

In a world where everyone is busy talking, texting, swiping, clicking, scrolling, and then sleeping, it's time we understood the profound impact of taking a step back and truly listening. Remember, it's not just about hearing the words they say but understanding the feelings they express. So, watch "Our Turn to Talk," reflect, and take the time to listen – because our children deserve to be heard truly.