Mike Baldassarre

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Building Together: Can You Help Us Design and Build our Playground?

The Town of Uxbridge voted overwhelmingly to support the Universal Design of the Taft Preschool and Community Playgrounds. 

$220,000.00 in funding will be available on July 1, 2023!

This video was created by School Committee Member, Barry Desruisseaux and then enhanced by Mr. Barros at Uxbridge High School - Thank You Both!

The Taft Community Playground is more than just a place for children to swing, slide, and run. It's a hub where our students foster creativity, build friendships, and develop physical and cognitive skills. It's a gathering point where community connections are strengthened, and of course, memories are created. The journey toward creating such an influential space must be a collaborative effort that thrives on stakeholder involvement. Engaging stakeholders in our playground development process ensures the end product truly meets the needs and desires of the community it serves.

In the context of a community playground, stakeholders are all interested or concerned in our project. This includes children and their parents, residents, or indirect users such as our staff, local businesses, community organizations, and elected officials. Our families, students, and others bring unique perspectives, insights, and resources that can significantly enhance how we all feel about the space when it is completed.  

The primary reason for involving stakeholders is to create a playground that best meets the needs of Uxbridge. Stakeholders offer invaluable insights into what the community values, needs, and hopes for at the Taft Early Learning Center.  They also provide diverse perspectives that can lead to innovative, inclusive, and accessible design solutions. Moreover, involving stakeholders helps to build a sense of community ownership and pride in the project. This leads not only to increased use of the playground but also to care better and maintenance of the space in the long run.

Here are some thoughts on how we can proceed…

Establishment of a Core Team: Identify a group of key stakeholders who are invested in the project and form a core team to lead the project.

Community Engagement: Hold public meetings, focus groups, and workshops to gather ideas, desires, and concerns about the playground. These platforms also keep the community informed and involved throughout the process. 

Collaborative Design Process: Have design workshops where community members, especially children, get to share their dream playground ideas.

Implementation and Maintenance: One really cool possibility is having community members involved in the actual building of the playground, fostering a sense of ownership and pride. After the playground is built, stakeholders can form a maintenance committee to ensure the playground remains safe and clean.

Stakeholder involvement is not just beneficial; it is essential in this project. The process, which can be as fulfilling as the final product, can bring a community together, instill a sense of ownership, and ultimately create a playground that caters to the unique needs of its users.