Secretary of Education Visits Uxbridge High School: Staff and Students Shine

Created by Mr. Rubin - this video highlights the Secretary’s Visit - Thank you Mr. Rubin for bringing Innovation Pathways to Uxbridge!

On March 3rd, 2023, the Massachusetts Secretary of Education, Dr. Patrick Tutwiler, visited the Uxbridge Public Schools. In addition to his visit, we welcomed Senator Ryan Fattman, State Representatives Michael Soter, and Joe McKenna.  Mr. Wise from the Uxbridge Selectboard attended as well.  Their presence brought excitement and positive energy to the students and staff.  Dr. Tutwiler’s visit was his first to a Massachusetts School District since he was named Secretary of Education.  He came to see the Innovation Pathways Programs funded through initiatives emanating from the Governor’s Office. 

Mr. Rubin and Mr. Soter engaging in the conversation - Mr. Soter is seeking more funding for Innovation Pathways across the state!

The visit began with a tour of the Uxbridge High School campus, where Dr. Tutwiler had an opportunity to meet with the principal, teachers, and students. We entered the classrooms and he and other representatives sat with students in the Bio-Med, Engineering, and Digital Media Labs.  The students were thrilled to meet the Secretary of Education and share their academic achievements and extracurricular activities with him.  He saw firsthand how teachers use innovative teaching strategies and equipment to engage students and promote critical thinking. The students were actively participating in classroom projects, demonstrating the effectiveness of the teaching methods that they see every day. 

The Meeting After the Meeting

Dr. Tutwiler also had a roundtable discussion with a group of students, where they talked about their educational experiences and expressed their hopes and aspirations for the future. The students shared their perspectives on the importance of the Innovation Pathways Programs in the school community and how these factors contribute to their overall academic success. The students' stories deeply moved Dr. Tutwiler, and he commended them for their resilience and determination.

The visit by the Massachusetts Secretary of Education was a tremendous morale booster for the Uxbridge High School community. His presence, along with others at the state and local level, demonstrated that the hard work and dedication that Mr. Rubin and his team have to education are recognized and valued at the highest levels of government.


Thought Driver: Murder at the Boys Club, 1991